Facebook to face out posts asking for likes, comments and shares.

Facebookers could no longer ask for likes, comments and shares to their posts soon. For Facebook is going to remove these kind of posts in your newsfeed. According to the reports for this tactic is know as "engagement bait". 

The said activity of demoting these kind of posts will be begin this week. So facebookers, don't be surprised if you have a post on FB where you invites to SHARE, LIKE, TAG A FRIEND or COMMENT BELOW to win something or if you want to bless more. You cannot anymore do these stuff.

Click to Enlarge.

And if you have done those posts in the past, it will be all removed from your Newsfeed. 

Facebook, however said, that posts like asking for help advice or recommendations, raising money, will not be affected by this particular changes. 

The reason behind these changes is to prevent spam or any misleading information. And to promote the so called "meaningful and authentic conversations" on Facebook. 
