What out parents for your children whom you trusted to cling into technology especially the Wifi.
Denmark - Five 9th grades girls from northern Jutland discovered through an biology experiment the side of effects of Wifi. That's why parents read and watch out of your kids.
These girls surprised and attracted not just the world but the group of scientist when they experimented the bad side of having a phone mobile with Wifi enabled closest to the bed.
One of girls, Lea Nielsen explained that they had difficulties concentrating in school when they slept with a mobile phone next to their head, and sometimes they had also sleeping difficulties as well.
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Here's how their experiment went:
They took 400 cress seeds and placed them in 12 trays. Then, they placed 6 trays in 2 separate rooms at the same temperature. They gave the same amount of water and sun to all the trays for 12 days.
However, 6 of the trays were put next to two [Wi-Fi] routers. Such routers broadcast the same type of radiation as an ordinary mobile.
After 12 days what the result spoke was clear: cress seeds next to the router did not grow, and some of them were even mutated or dead.
Here's the results:
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After their experiment, one of them said “None of us sleep with the mobile next to the bed anymore. Either the phone is put far away, or it is put in another room. And the computer is always off”, says Lea.
The said experiments by the 9th grade girls captured the interest of the researchers from England, Holland and Sweden.
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